
Welcome to the Calgary Foot Clinic

The Calgary Foot Clinic has provided comprehensive, quality foot and ankle care in Calgary for over twenty years. The goal of the Calgary Foot Clinic is to provide timely, personal care for your foot or ankle disorder to allow you to quickly return to pain-free activity. We are located within Christie Park, SW Calgary, and are easily accessible by public transportation.

Types of foot-related disorders we treat include Ankle InjuriesBunionsCallusesCornsFlatfoot,
Diabetic FootHeel Pain (Plantar Fasciitis)High Arched Foot, and Ingrown Toenails. We also treat Shin SplintsStress FracturesSoft Tissue Masses, and other related injuries. We are also able to assist with Custom Foot Orthotics.

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We specialize in premium custom orthotics to improve foot function and performance. Custom orthotics can be made for varying shoe styles, activities, and even sandals.
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